


Ecuaciones biquadradas: ejercicios y resolución (4º ESO)




<h2 id="biquadraticequations">Biquadratic Equations</h2>
<p>Biquadratic equations, also known as quartic equations, are equations of the fo


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<h2 id="biquadraticequations">Biquadratic Equations</h2>
<p>Biquadratic equations, also known as quartic equations, are equations of the fo


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<h2 id="biquadraticequations">Biquadratic Equations</h2>
<p>Biquadratic equations, also known as quartic equations, are equations of the fo


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Biquadratic Equations

Biquadratic equations, also known as quartic equations, are equations of the form x² + 2x²-3=0, where t = x². To solve these equations, we use the formula t = x² +²+ 2+ 3 = 0. By applying the quadratic formula t = -b ± √(b²-4ac) / 2a, we can find the solutions for the equation.

Equations of Degree Higher Than 2

Moving on to equations of a degree higher than 2, we encounter equations like 10-32, 1 1 1-2, and 1 11-20, which require different methods to solve. For example, in the equation 3x²-3x+2=0, the solution is found to be (x-1) (x-1)⋅ (x+2).

Rational Equations

Rational equations, such as the one represented by 4x/X+2X-2 =-2:44, can also be solved using methods like Ruffini.

Irrational Equations

When dealing with equations containing irrational numbers, such as √3x+16=2x-1, we must follow a different approach to find the solution. Consequently, the equation -4x² + 7x +15=0 can be solved to obtain x=-7√(7)³²-4 (-4). (15)/2(-4).

Exponential and Logarithmic Equations

In equations that involve exponents and logarithms, we have to consider equations like .34×-2 and log[(x+1)-5] = log (x-3). Each of these equation types has its own suited method of solving.

Systems of Linear Equations

Solving systems of linear equations, regardless of their specific type, can be done using methods like reduction, substitution, and equalization.

Systems of Non-Linear Equations

In cases where the equations are non-linear, methods like substitution come in handy to find the solutions.

Graphically Solving Equations

Solving equations by plotting their graphs can be a helpful method for better visualization and understanding of the solutions.


In conclusion, we have explored a variety of equations, including biquadratic, rational, irrational, exponential, logarithmic, and systems of equations. Each of these equation types requires a different approach and method to solve. Whether it's using mathematical formulas, algebraic techniques, or graphical representation, the process of finding solutions varies depending on the type of equation we are dealing with.

Resumen - Matemáticas

  • Biquadratic equations, also known as quartic equations, are of the form x² + 2x²-3=0, where t = x²
  • To solve these equations, we use the formula t = x² +²+ 2+ 3 = 0
  • Rational equations, such as 4x/X+2X-2 =-2:44, can be solved using methods like Ruffini
  • For equations containing irrational numbers, a different approach is needed to find the solution
  • Equations involving exponents and logarithms require their own suited method of solving
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79 Seguidores

apuntes de 4 ESO, 1r y 2n bach social. Los subo a ver si ayudo, aunque es más para acordarme donde los tengo JAJAJ

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el tema Matemáticas

Q: What are biquadratic equations and how do we solve them?

A: Biquadratic equations are equations of the form x² + 2x²-3=0, where t = x². To solve these equations, we use the formula t = x² +²+ 2+ 3 = 0. By applying the quadratic formula t = -b ± √(b²-4ac) / 2a, we can find the solutions for the equation.

Q: What methods can we use to solve equations of degree higher than 2?

A: Equations of a degree higher than 2, like 3x²-3x+2=0, require different methods to solve. For example, in the equation 3x²-3x+2=0, the solution is found to be (x-1) (x-1)⋅ (x+2).

Q: How can rational equations be solved?

A: Rational equations, such as the one represented by 4x/X+2X-2 =-2:44, can be solved using methods like Ruffini.

Q: What approach should be followed to find the solution to irrational equations?

A: When dealing with equations containing irrational numbers, such as √3x+16=2x-1, we must follow a different approach to find the solution.

Q: What is the suitable method for solving equations involving exponents and logarithms?

A: In equations that involve exponents and logarithms, we have to consider equations like .34×-2 and log[(x+1)-5] = log (x-3). Each of these equation types has its own suited method of solving.

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Ecuaciones y sistemas de ecuaciones.






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<h2 id="biquadraticequations">Biquadratic Equations</h2>
<p>Biquadratic equations, also known as quartic equations, are equations of the fo

<h2 id="biquadraticequations">Biquadratic Equations</h2>
<p>Biquadratic equations, also known as quartic equations, are equations of the fo

<h2 id="biquadraticequations">Biquadratic Equations</h2>
<p>Biquadratic equations, also known as quartic equations, are equations of the fo

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Biquadratic Equations

Biquadratic equations, also known as quartic equations, are equations of the form x² + 2x²-3=0, where t = x². To solve these equations, we use the formula t = x² +²+ 2+ 3 = 0. By applying the quadratic formula t = -b ± √(b²-4ac) / 2a, we can find the solutions for the equation.

Equations of Degree Higher Than 2

Moving on to equations of a degree higher than 2, we encounter equations like 10-32, 1 1 1-2, and 1 11-20, which require different methods to solve. For example, in the equation 3x²-3x+2=0, the solution is found to be (x-1) (x-1)⋅ (x+2).

Rational Equations

Rational equations, such as the one represented by 4x/X+2X-2 =-2:44, can also be solved using methods like Ruffini.

Irrational Equations

When dealing with equations containing irrational numbers, such as √3x+16=2x-1, we must follow a different approach to find the solution. Consequently, the equation -4x² + 7x +15=0 can be solved to obtain x=-7√(7)³²-4 (-4). (15)/2(-4).

Exponential and Logarithmic Equations

In equations that involve exponents and logarithms, we have to consider equations like .34×-2 and log[(x+1)-5] = log (x-3). Each of these equation types has its own suited method of solving.

Systems of Linear Equations

Solving systems of linear equations, regardless of their specific type, can be done using methods like reduction, substitution, and equalization.

Systems of Non-Linear Equations

In cases where the equations are non-linear, methods like substitution come in handy to find the solutions.

Graphically Solving Equations

Solving equations by plotting their graphs can be a helpful method for better visualization and understanding of the solutions.


In conclusion, we have explored a variety of equations, including biquadratic, rational, irrational, exponential, logarithmic, and systems of equations. Each of these equation types requires a different approach and method to solve. Whether it's using mathematical formulas, algebraic techniques, or graphical representation, the process of finding solutions varies depending on the type of equation we are dealing with.

Resumen - Matemáticas

  • Biquadratic equations, also known as quartic equations, are of the form x² + 2x²-3=0, where t = x²
  • To solve these equations, we use the formula t = x² +²+ 2+ 3 = 0
  • Rational equations, such as 4x/X+2X-2 =-2:44, can be solved using methods like Ruffini
  • For equations containing irrational numbers, a different approach is needed to find the solution
  • Equations involving exponents and logarithms require their own suited method of solving
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Subido por Sabela

79 Seguidores

apuntes de 4 ESO, 1r y 2n bach social. Los subo a ver si ayudo, aunque es más para acordarme donde los tengo JAJAJ

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el tema Matemáticas

Q: What are biquadratic equations and how do we solve them?

A: Biquadratic equations are equations of the form x² + 2x²-3=0, where t = x². To solve these equations, we use the formula t = x² +²+ 2+ 3 = 0. By applying the quadratic formula t = -b ± √(b²-4ac) / 2a, we can find the solutions for the equation.

Q: What methods can we use to solve equations of degree higher than 2?

A: Equations of a degree higher than 2, like 3x²-3x+2=0, require different methods to solve. For example, in the equation 3x²-3x+2=0, the solution is found to be (x-1) (x-1)⋅ (x+2).

Q: How can rational equations be solved?

A: Rational equations, such as the one represented by 4x/X+2X-2 =-2:44, can be solved using methods like Ruffini.

Q: What approach should be followed to find the solution to irrational equations?

A: When dealing with equations containing irrational numbers, such as √3x+16=2x-1, we must follow a different approach to find the solution.

Q: What is the suitable method for solving equations involving exponents and logarithms?

A: In equations that involve exponents and logarithms, we have to consider equations like .34×-2 and log[(x+1)-5] = log (x-3). Each of these equation types has its own suited method of solving.

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Knowunity es la app educativa nº 1 en cinco países europeos

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