


Descubre los Tipos de Sintagmas: Ejemplos y Ejercicios Divertidos


Descubre los Tipos de Sintagmas: Ejemplos y Ejercicios Divertidos
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Jorge Diego González



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Los sintagmas son unidades gramaticales fundamentales en la estructura de las oraciones. Existen cinco tipos principales: sintagma nominal, sintagma verbal, sintagma preposicional, sintagma adjetival y sintagma adverbial. Cada uno tiene una estructura y función específica dentro de la oración, siendo el sintagma nominal y el sintagma verbal los más importantes. El análisis sintáctico de oraciones implica identificar estos sintagmas y sus funciones, lo que es esencial para comprender la gramática española.

• El sintagma nominal tiene como núcleo un sustantivo o pronombre y puede incluir determinantes y complementos.
• El sintagma verbal se centra en el verbo y sus complementos, formando el predicado de la oración.
• Los otros sintagmas (preposicional, adjetival y adverbial) complementan y modifican a los principales.
• Es crucial entender la estructura y función de cada sintagma para realizar un correcto análisis sintáctico de oraciones.




SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de


How to Correctly Analyze a Sentence

This page provides a comprehensive guide on how to analyze sentences correctly. It outlines the main components of a sentence and their relationships.

The subject is typically a sintagma nominal (SN) that performs the action of the verb. The predicate can be either verbal (PV) or nominal (PN), depending on the type of verb used.

For passive sentences, the structure includes a conjugated form of "ser" (to be) followed by a participle. The agent complement (C.AGENTE) is introduced by a prepositional sintagma.

In active sentences with non-copulative verbs, the predicate verbal (PV) can include various complements such as direct object (CD), indirect object (CI), and circumstantial complements (CC).

For sentences with copulative verbs (ser, estar, parecer), the predicate nominal (PN) includes an attribute (ATB) which can be an adjectival, nominal, or prepositional sintagma.

Example: In the sentence "Ella baila bien" (She dances well), "Ella" is the subject (SN), and "baila bien" is the verbal predicate (PV) with "bien" functioning as a circumstantial complement of mode (CCM).

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de


Nucleus in Each Type of Sintagma

This page focuses on identifying the nucleus (core element) in each type of sintagma.

For sintagma adjetival, the nucleus is an adjective. In sintagma verbal, it's a verb. The sintagma preposicional has a preposition as its link (enlace).

The sintagma nominal can have either a noun or a pronoun as its nucleus. For sintagma adverbial, the nucleus is an adverb.

Understanding the nucleus of each sintagma is crucial for analyzing sintagmas and identifying their roles within sentences.

Highlight: Correctly identifying the nucleus in each sintagma is a key step in analyzing sintagmas and understanding sentence structure.

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de


Examples of Syntactic Analysis (1)

This page provides practical examples of syntactic analysis, demonstrating how to apply the concepts of sintagmas to real sentences.

The sentence "Lamentablemente, está muy ocupado estos días" (Unfortunately, he is very busy these days) is analyzed. "Lamentablemente" is identified as a sintagma adverbial functioning as a circumstantial complement of mode (CCM).

Another example, "La calle Larios tiene locales comerciales" (Larios Street has commercial premises), shows a more complex structure with a sintagma nominal as the subject and a verbal predicate containing a direct object and a noun complement.

Example: In "La calle Larios tiene locales comerciales", "La calle Larios" is the subject (SN), "tiene" is the verb nucleus, and "locales comerciales" is the direct object (CD) with "comerciales" functioning as a noun complement (CN).

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de


Types of Complements

This page provides a detailed explanation of various types of complements found in Spanish sentences, which is crucial for analyzing sintagmas.

The direct object (CD) is formed by a sintagma nominal or sintagma preposicional and can be substituted by lo/la/los/las. The indirect object (CI) is a prepositional or nominal sintagma that can be replaced by le or les.

Circumstantial complements (CC) provide extra information about time, place, mode, company, instrument, cause, or purpose. The attribute (ATB) appears in nominal predicates and can be an adjectival, nominal, or prepositional sintagma.

The noun complement (CN) accompanies the nucleus of a nominal sintagma and can appear in both subject and predicate. The agent complement (CAGENTE) is a prepositional sintagma introduced by "por" and only appears in passive sentences.

Vocabulary: CAGENTE (Agent Complement) - A prepositional sintagma introduced by "por" that indicates who performs the action of the verb in passive sentences.

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de


Examples of Syntactic Analysis (II)

This page presents more advanced examples of syntactic analysis, building on the concepts introduced earlier.

One example analyzes the sentence "El activista apareció de repente en la fiesta" (The activist suddenly appeared at the party). It demonstrates how to identify and label different sintagmas and their functions within the sentence.

Another example, "La manifestación fue organizada por la tía Ana" (The demonstration was organized by Aunt Ana), showcases the analysis of a passive sentence, including the identification of the agent complement (CAGENTE).

Example: In "La manifestación fue organizada por la tía Ana", "La manifestación" is the subject (SN), "fue organizada" is the passive verbal predicate (PV), and "por la tía Ana" is the agent complement (CAGENTE).

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de


More Examples of Syntactic Analysis

This page provides additional examples of syntactic analysis, focusing on more complex sentence structures.

The sentence "Mis abuelos repartieron felizmente caramelos a sus nietos pequeños" (My grandparents happily distributed candies to their little grandchildren) is analyzed, demonstrating how to identify and label multiple complements within a verbal predicate.

Another example, "Mi hermana Carmen envió su curriculum a su mejor amiga ayer" (My sister Carmen sent her resume to her best friend yesterday), showcases the analysis of a sentence with various types of complements, including direct object, indirect object, and circumstantial complement of time.

Highlight: These examples demonstrate the importance of identifying different types of sintagmas and their functions for a comprehensive syntactic analysis of sentences.

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de


Identification of Direct and Indirect Objects

This page focuses on the identification of direct objects (CD) and indirect objects (CI) in Spanish sentences, which is crucial for analyzing sintagmas.

Several example sentences are provided, such as "El repartidor entregó un paquete a Manuela" (The delivery person gave a package to Manuela), where "un paquete" is identified as the CD and "a Manuela" as the CI.

The examples demonstrate various sentence structures and help in practicing the identification of these important sentence elements.

Example: In "Mi madre compró un precioso vestido a mi hermana mayor en el centro comercial" (My mother bought a beautiful dress for my older sister at the shopping center), "un precioso vestido" is the CD, "a mi hermana mayor" is the CI, and "en el centro comercial" is a circumstantial complement of place (CCL).

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de


Functions and Corresponding Sintagmas

This final page provides a comprehensive summary of the functions within a sentence and the types of sintagmas that can fulfill each function.

It outlines how different sintagmas can serve as subjects, predicates, direct objects, indirect objects, circumstantial complements, and other sentence elements.

This summary serves as a quick reference guide for analyzing sintagmas and understanding their roles within sentences.

Highlight: This summary table is an excellent tool for quick reference when analyzing sintagmas and identifying their functions within sentences.

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de


Types and Structure of Sintagmas

This page introduces the five main types of sintagmas in Spanish grammar and their structures.

The sintagma nominal consists of a pronoun or noun (nucleus) and one or more determiners. It may also include a noun complement. For example, "El niño pequeño canta" (The small boy sings).

The sintagma verbal is formed by a verb or verbal periphrasis (nucleus) and its complements. It always functions as the predicate.

The sintagma preposicional is introduced by a preposition (link) followed by a nominal sintagma (term). For instance, "A Maria" (To Maria).

The sintagma adjetival consists of an adjective (nucleus) and sometimes modifiers. Example: "Bastantes bonitos" (Quite beautiful).

The sintagma adverbial is formed by an adverb (nucleus) and may include modifiers and adverb complements. For example, "Muy cerca del río" (Very close to the river).

Highlight: Understanding the structure of each sintagma is crucial for analyzing sintagmas correctly and identifying their components within sentences.

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Descubre los Tipos de Sintagmas: Ejemplos y Ejercicios Divertidos

Los sintagmas son unidades gramaticales fundamentales en la estructura de las oraciones. Existen cinco tipos principales: sintagma nominal, sintagma verbal, sintagma preposicional, sintagma adjetival y sintagma adverbial. Cada uno tiene una estructura y función específica dentro de la oración, siendo el sintagma nominal y el sintagma verbal los más importantes. El análisis sintáctico de oraciones implica identificar estos sintagmas y sus funciones, lo que es esencial para comprender la gramática española.

• El sintagma nominal tiene como núcleo un sustantivo o pronombre y puede incluir determinantes y complementos.
• El sintagma verbal se centra en el verbo y sus complementos, formando el predicado de la oración.
• Los otros sintagmas (preposicional, adjetival y adverbial) complementan y modifican a los principales.
• Es crucial entender la estructura y función de cada sintagma para realizar un correcto análisis sintáctico de oraciones.





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SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de

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How to Correctly Analyze a Sentence

This page provides a comprehensive guide on how to analyze sentences correctly. It outlines the main components of a sentence and their relationships.

The subject is typically a sintagma nominal (SN) that performs the action of the verb. The predicate can be either verbal (PV) or nominal (PN), depending on the type of verb used.

For passive sentences, the structure includes a conjugated form of "ser" (to be) followed by a participle. The agent complement (C.AGENTE) is introduced by a prepositional sintagma.

In active sentences with non-copulative verbs, the predicate verbal (PV) can include various complements such as direct object (CD), indirect object (CI), and circumstantial complements (CC).

For sentences with copulative verbs (ser, estar, parecer), the predicate nominal (PN) includes an attribute (ATB) which can be an adjectival, nominal, or prepositional sintagma.

Example: In the sentence "Ella baila bien" (She dances well), "Ella" is the subject (SN), and "baila bien" is the verbal predicate (PV) with "bien" functioning as a circumstantial complement of mode (CCM).

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de

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Nucleus in Each Type of Sintagma

This page focuses on identifying the nucleus (core element) in each type of sintagma.

For sintagma adjetival, the nucleus is an adjective. In sintagma verbal, it's a verb. The sintagma preposicional has a preposition as its link (enlace).

The sintagma nominal can have either a noun or a pronoun as its nucleus. For sintagma adverbial, the nucleus is an adverb.

Understanding the nucleus of each sintagma is crucial for analyzing sintagmas and identifying their roles within sentences.

Highlight: Correctly identifying the nucleus in each sintagma is a key step in analyzing sintagmas and understanding sentence structure.

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de

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Examples of Syntactic Analysis (1)

This page provides practical examples of syntactic analysis, demonstrating how to apply the concepts of sintagmas to real sentences.

The sentence "Lamentablemente, está muy ocupado estos días" (Unfortunately, he is very busy these days) is analyzed. "Lamentablemente" is identified as a sintagma adverbial functioning as a circumstantial complement of mode (CCM).

Another example, "La calle Larios tiene locales comerciales" (Larios Street has commercial premises), shows a more complex structure with a sintagma nominal as the subject and a verbal predicate containing a direct object and a noun complement.

Example: In "La calle Larios tiene locales comerciales", "La calle Larios" is the subject (SN), "tiene" is the verb nucleus, and "locales comerciales" is the direct object (CD) with "comerciales" functioning as a noun complement (CN).

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de

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Types of Complements

This page provides a detailed explanation of various types of complements found in Spanish sentences, which is crucial for analyzing sintagmas.

The direct object (CD) is formed by a sintagma nominal or sintagma preposicional and can be substituted by lo/la/los/las. The indirect object (CI) is a prepositional or nominal sintagma that can be replaced by le or les.

Circumstantial complements (CC) provide extra information about time, place, mode, company, instrument, cause, or purpose. The attribute (ATB) appears in nominal predicates and can be an adjectival, nominal, or prepositional sintagma.

The noun complement (CN) accompanies the nucleus of a nominal sintagma and can appear in both subject and predicate. The agent complement (CAGENTE) is a prepositional sintagma introduced by "por" and only appears in passive sentences.

Vocabulary: CAGENTE (Agent Complement) - A prepositional sintagma introduced by "por" that indicates who performs the action of the verb in passive sentences.

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de

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Examples of Syntactic Analysis (II)

This page presents more advanced examples of syntactic analysis, building on the concepts introduced earlier.

One example analyzes the sentence "El activista apareció de repente en la fiesta" (The activist suddenly appeared at the party). It demonstrates how to identify and label different sintagmas and their functions within the sentence.

Another example, "La manifestación fue organizada por la tía Ana" (The demonstration was organized by Aunt Ana), showcases the analysis of a passive sentence, including the identification of the agent complement (CAGENTE).

Example: In "La manifestación fue organizada por la tía Ana", "La manifestación" is the subject (SN), "fue organizada" is the passive verbal predicate (PV), and "por la tía Ana" is the agent complement (CAGENTE).

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de

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More Examples of Syntactic Analysis

This page provides additional examples of syntactic analysis, focusing on more complex sentence structures.

The sentence "Mis abuelos repartieron felizmente caramelos a sus nietos pequeños" (My grandparents happily distributed candies to their little grandchildren) is analyzed, demonstrating how to identify and label multiple complements within a verbal predicate.

Another example, "Mi hermana Carmen envió su curriculum a su mejor amiga ayer" (My sister Carmen sent her resume to her best friend yesterday), showcases the analysis of a sentence with various types of complements, including direct object, indirect object, and circumstantial complement of time.

Highlight: These examples demonstrate the importance of identifying different types of sintagmas and their functions for a comprehensive syntactic analysis of sentences.

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de

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Identification of Direct and Indirect Objects

This page focuses on the identification of direct objects (CD) and indirect objects (CI) in Spanish sentences, which is crucial for analyzing sintagmas.

Several example sentences are provided, such as "El repartidor entregó un paquete a Manuela" (The delivery person gave a package to Manuela), where "un paquete" is identified as the CD and "a Manuela" as the CI.

The examples demonstrate various sentence structures and help in practicing the identification of these important sentence elements.

Example: In "Mi madre compró un precioso vestido a mi hermana mayor en el centro comercial" (My mother bought a beautiful dress for my older sister at the shopping center), "un precioso vestido" is the CD, "a mi hermana mayor" is the CI, and "en el centro comercial" is a circumstantial complement of place (CCL).

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de

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Functions and Corresponding Sintagmas

This final page provides a comprehensive summary of the functions within a sentence and the types of sintagmas that can fulfill each function.

It outlines how different sintagmas can serve as subjects, predicates, direct objects, indirect objects, circumstantial complements, and other sentence elements.

This summary serves as a quick reference guide for analyzing sintagmas and understanding their roles within sentences.

Highlight: This summary table is an excellent tool for quick reference when analyzing sintagmas and identifying their functions within sentences.

SINTAGMA NOMINAL: Está formado por un pronombre o un sustantivo, al que se va a
llamar núcleo y uno o varios de

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Types and Structure of Sintagmas

This page introduces the five main types of sintagmas in Spanish grammar and their structures.

The sintagma nominal consists of a pronoun or noun (nucleus) and one or more determiners. It may also include a noun complement. For example, "El niño pequeño canta" (The small boy sings).

The sintagma verbal is formed by a verb or verbal periphrasis (nucleus) and its complements. It always functions as the predicate.

The sintagma preposicional is introduced by a preposition (link) followed by a nominal sintagma (term). For instance, "A Maria" (To Maria).

The sintagma adjetival consists of an adjective (nucleus) and sometimes modifiers. Example: "Bastantes bonitos" (Quite beautiful).

The sintagma adverbial is formed by an adverb (nucleus) and may include modifiers and adverb complements. For example, "Muy cerca del río" (Very close to the river).

Highlight: Understanding the structure of each sintagma is crucial for analyzing sintagmas correctly and identifying their components within sentences.

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