Understanding Used To for Past Habits and States
This comprehensive guide explains how to properly employ used to in English for describing past habits and states that are no longer current. The structure follows specific patterns for positive statements, negative statements, and questions.
Definition: Used to + infinitive describes past habits and states that no longer occur in the present time.
Example: "Mary used to go to the cinema when she was a child" translates to "Mary solía ir/iba al cine cuando era pequeña"
Highlight: The construction follows these key patterns:
- Positive: used to + infinitive
- Negative: didn't use to + infinitive
- Questions: did + subject + use to + infinitive
- Used to: equivalent to "solía" in Spanish or the imperfect tense
- Never used to: expressing something that never happened habitually in the past
Quote: "used to no existe en presente. Para expresar la idea de 'suelo (hacer algo)', usamos usually y el Present Simple"
The guide emphasizes that while Past Simple with frequency adverbs can also describe past habits, used to specifically indicates discontinued past habits. For present habitual actions, usually with Present Simple is the correct form, not used to.