


Temario completo de inglés para bachillerato en PDF






<p>The text "order: una orden" seems to be a heading for an explanation about giving orders or commands in English. However, the content is


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<p>The text "order: una orden" seems to be a heading for an explanation about giving orders or commands in English. However, the content is


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<p>The text "order: una orden" seems to be a heading for an explanation about giving orders or commands in English. However, the content is


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<p>The text "order: una orden" seems to be a heading for an explanation about giving orders or commands in English. However, the content is


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The text "order: una orden" seems to be a heading for an explanation about giving orders or commands in English. However, the content is disorganized and difficult to understand. The example "She said Go out! → she told me TO" shows a grammatically incorrect transformation from direct to reported speech.

Gramática Inglés 1 Bachillerato PDF

The section "Adjetivos ED INGE" attempts to explain the formation of adjectives in English using the suffixes "-ed" and "-ing." However, the examples and explanations are mixed together without clarity.

Ordenado en Inglés

Under the subheading "Make Y Do," there are examples of how to use the verb "do" in different contexts, but the arrangement of the content is confusing and lacks coherence.

Inglés 1 Bachillerato Apuntes

The section on "Relativos" attempts to explain the use of relative pronouns in English, but the examples provided are difficult to follow and are not clearly connected to the explanations.

Ejercicios Futuros Inglés 1 Bachillerato PDF

Throughout the text, there are examples and explanations of various grammar points in English, but they are not well-organized, making it challenging for learners to grasp the concepts effectively.

The text contains numerous grammatical mistakes and inconsistencies in formatting and structure. It seems to be a compilation of notes and examples on different grammar topics in English, but the lack of organization and clarity makes it difficult for readers to benefit from the content.

Temario Inglés 2 Bachillerato PDF

In order to improve the text, it needs to be restructured with clear headings and subheadings for each grammar topic. The examples and explanations should be presented in a logical and coherent manner to help learners understand the concepts better.

Overall, the text has the potential to be a valuable resource for students studying English as a second language, but it requires significant revision and restructuring to achieve its intended purpose as a helpful study guide. Incorporating clear headings, organizing the content, and correcting the grammar mistakes will significantly enhance the text's readability and usefulness.

Resumen - Inglés

  • The text discusses various grammar topics in English 1 Bachillerato PDF
  • It covers topics such as giving orders, adjective formation, verb usage, and relative pronouns.
  • The content is disorganized and difficult to understand, with grammatical mistakes and inconsistencies.
  • It has the potential to be a valuable resource for English learners but requires significant revision and restructuring.
  • Improvements such as clear headings, organized content, and corrected grammar will enhance its usefulness as a study guide.
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Subido por Ana Delgado

17 Seguidores

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el tema Inglés

Q: What is the main issue with the section 'Adjetivos ED INGE' in the temario inglés 1 bachillerato PDF?

A: The main issue with the section 'Adjetivos ED INGE' in the temario inglés 1 bachillerato PDF is that the examples and explanations are mixed together without clarity, making it difficult to understand the formation of adjectives in English using the suffixes '-ed' and '-ing.'

Q: What is the problem with the content under the subheading 'Make Y Do' in inglés 1 bachillerato PDF?

A: The problem with the content under the subheading 'Make Y Do' in inglés 1 bachillerato PDF is that the arrangement of the content is confusing and lacks coherence, making it challenging to understand the usage of the verb 'do' in different contexts.

Q: What is the difficulty related to the section on 'Relativos' in the inglés 1 bachillerato apuntes?

A: The difficulty related to the section on 'Relativos' in the inglés 1 bachillerato apuntes is that the examples provided are difficult to follow and are not clearly connected to the explanations, making it challenging for learners to grasp the use of relative pronouns in English.

Q: What are some of the issues with the text 'ordenado en inglés' in the inglés 1 bachillerato burlington books?

A: The text 'ordenado en inglés' in the inglés 1 bachillerato burlington books contains numerous grammatical mistakes and inconsistencies in formatting and structure. It is a compilation of notes and examples on different grammar topics in English, lacking organization and clarity.

Q: How can the text 'temario inglés 2 bachillerato PDF' be improved to better serve students?

A: The text 'temario inglés 2 bachillerato PDF' needs to be restructured with clear headings and subheadings for each grammar topic, presenting the examples and explanations in a logical and coherent manner to help learners understand the concepts better. Incorporating clear headings, organizing the content, and correcting grammar mistakes will significantly enhance its readability and usefulness.

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