


Complete List of Phrasal Verbs with Meaning - PDF Download






<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
<p>Phrasal verbs are an important aspect of English language learning. Whether you are an English l


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<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
<p>Phrasal verbs are an important aspect of English language learning. Whether you are an English l


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Phrasal verbs are an important aspect of English language learning. Whether you are an English language learner or a teacher, having a comprehensive phrasal verbs list with meaning is essential to improving your language skills. In this article, we will provide you with a complete phrasal verbs list with meanings in English and Spanish.

Phrasal Verbs List with Meaning

Here is a list of commonly used phrasal verbs along with their meanings in English and Spanish:

  • Break down: averiarse, estropearse
  • Break into: introducirse / entrar en / a
  • Break up: terminar el curso o una relación
  • Bring up: criar, educar
  • Brush up: repassar
  • Carry on: seguir, continuar
  • Catch on: entender
  • Check (something) out: dar un vistazo a / mirar (algo)
  • Check up: controlar
  • Clean up: limpiar
  • Come across as: parecer
  • Come along: aparecer, llegar
  • Come back: volver
  • Come up with: proponer
  • Creep over: invadir, inundar
  • Cut across: pasar por (atajando)
  • Cut down on: reducir (el consumo de)
  • Cut in: interrumpir
  • Cut off: aislar, dejar incomunicado / a; cortarse
  • (be) Cut out for: (Estar) hecho / a para (a)
  • Die out: desaparecer, extinguirse
  • Drop out: abandonar, dejar (los estudios)
  • End up: finalizar
  • Fall behind: retrasarse, quedarse atrás

Phrasal Verbs Examples

Here are a few examples of how phrasal verbs are used in sentences:

  1. I need to brush up my English before the exam. (Necesito repasar mi inglés antes del examen.)
  2. She managed to get away with cheating on the test. (Logró salirse con la suya engañando en el examen.)
  3. The children grow up so fast! (¡Los niños crecen tan rápido!)

Phrasal Verbs B2

For English language learners at B2 level, having a phrasal verbs list PDF with translations is extremely useful. You can easily find a lista de phrasal verbs B2 Cambridge PDF con traducción online to help you with your studies.


Understanding and using phrasal verbs is an important aspect of mastering the English language. Whether you are studying for an English language exam or simply want to improve your language skills, having a comprehensive phrasal verbs list with meanings is essential. With the right resources and practice, you can effectively incorporate phrasal verbs into your everyday language use.

Resumen - Inglés

  • Phrasal verbs are important in English language learning
  • A complete phrasal verbs list with meanings in English and Spanish is provided
  • Examples of phrasal verbs used in sentences are given
  • For B2 level English language learners, a phrasal verbs list PDF with translations is helpful
  • Understanding and using phrasal verbs is essential for mastering the English language

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el tema Inglés

Q: What is the importance of having a comprehensive phrasal verbs list with meanings?

A: Having a comprehensive phrasal verbs list with meanings is essential to improving your language skills, whether you are an English language learner or a teacher.

Q: Where can English language learners find a lista de phrasal verbs B2 Cambridge PDF con traducción?

A: English language learners at B2 level can easily find a lista de phrasal verbs B2 Cambridge PDF con traducción online to help with their studies.

Q: Why is understanding and using phrasal verbs considered an important aspect of mastering the English language?

A: Understanding and using phrasal verbs is important for mastering the English language, whether for exams or everyday language use.

Q: How can phrasal verbs be incorporated into everyday language use?

A: With the right resources and practice, you can effectively incorporate phrasal verbs into your everyday language use.

Q: What are some examples of commonly used phrasal verbs and their meanings?

A: Commonly used phrasal verbs include 'break down' meaning 'averiarse, estropearse' and 'bring up' meaning 'criar, educar'.

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