


Practice Changing from Active to Passive Voice with These Exercises






<h2 id="changeintopassivevoiceexercises">Change into Passive Voice Exercises</h2>
<li>My mother cooks a cake on Saturdays</li>


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<h2 id="changeintopassivevoiceexercises">Change into Passive Voice Exercises</h2>
<li>My mother cooks a cake on Saturdays</li>


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<h2 id="changeintopassivevoiceexercises">Change into Passive Voice Exercises</h2>
<li>My mother cooks a cake on Saturdays</li>


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<h2 id="changeintopassivevoiceexercises">Change into Passive Voice Exercises</h2>
<li>My mother cooks a cake on Saturdays</li>


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<h2 id="changeintopassivevoiceexercises">Change into Passive Voice Exercises</h2>
<li>My mother cooks a cake on Saturdays</li>


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<h2 id="changeintopassivevoiceexercises">Change into Passive Voice Exercises</h2>
<li>My mother cooks a cake on Saturdays</li>


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<h2 id="changeintopassivevoiceexercises">Change into Passive Voice Exercises</h2>
<li>My mother cooks a cake on Saturdays</li>


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<h2 id="changeintopassivevoiceexercises">Change into Passive Voice Exercises</h2>
<li>My mother cooks a cake on Saturdays</li>


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Change into Passive Voice Exercises

  1. My mother cooks a cake on Saturdays
  • A cake is cooked by my mother on Saturdays.
  1. She wears a helmet on the motorbike
  • A helmet is worn on the motorbike.
  1. Joan bought me a book yesterday
  • I was bought a book by Joan yesterday.
  1. People believe (that) Mr. Jones is Pamela's son
  • It is believed that Mr. Jones is Pamela's son.
  1. I lent you some money yesterday
  • You were lent some money yesterday.

Change from Active to Passive Exercises

  1. They think that the exam will be very difficult
  • It is thought that the exam will be very difficult.
  1. The boy failed the entrance exam
  • The entrance exam was failed.
  1. He stole my car
  • My car was stolen by him.
  1. The women clean the windows every morning
  • The windows are cleaned every morning by the women.
  1. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492
    • America was discovered in 1492 by Christopher Columbus.

Turn into Passive Voice Exercises PDF

  1. They make "Mercedes" in Germany

    • "Mercedes" is made in Germany.
  2. I will finish it tomorrow

    • It will be finished tomorrow.
  3. The company will publish a new book next year

    • A new book will be published by the company next year.
  4. He remembers the girl's name every day

    • The girl's name is remembered every day.
  5. The football team won the cup

    • The cup was won by the football team.

Change from Passive to Active Exercises

  1. It is said that Mr. Jones is the mysterious man
  • People say that Mr. Jones is the mysterious man.
  1. The man was given a big surprise in the big room
  • They gave a big surprise to the man in the big room.
  1. The company was believed to have banned tobacco indoors
  • People believed that the company had banned tobacco indoors.
  1. You are loved by your classmates
  • Your classmates love you.
  1. A house has been built in the middle of the forest
  • Someone has built a house in the middle of the forest.

Convert Active Sentences to Passive Sentences

  1. You should open the wine about three hours before you use it
  • The wine should be opened about three hours before you use it.
  1. Previous climbers had cut steps in the ice.
  • Steps had been cut in the ice by previous climbers.
  1. Somebody had cleaned my shoes and brushed my suit.
  • My shoes had been cleaned and my suit had been brushed by somebody.
  1. We use this room only on special occasions
  • This room is used only on special occasions.
  1. You must not hammer nails into the walls without permission.
  • Na

Resumen - Inglés

  • The topic is rephrasing and converting sentences from active to passive voice.
  • It covers exercises to change sentences to passive voice and from passive to active voice.
  • The exercises include converting active sentences to passive sentences and vice versa.
  • The text provides examples and practice exercises to help understand the concept.
  • The topic is suitable for students studying passive voice in English grammar.

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre el tema Inglés

Q: What is the passive voice of 'They think that the exam will be very difficult'?

A: It is thought that the exam will be very difficult.

Q: Provide the active voice of 'The football team won the cup'

A: The football team won the cup.

Q: What is the passive voice of 'I lent you some money yesterday'?

A: You were lent some money yesterday.

Q: Turn the sentence 'A house has been built in the middle of the forest' into active voice

A: Someone has built a house in the middle of the forest.

Q: What is the passive sentence for 'You should open the wine about three hours before you use it'?

A: The wine should be opened about three hours before you use it.

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