


Apuntes sobre Writing






Nowadays, most people share the view that...
Nowadays, it is widely known that...
Lately, not only has.....


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Nowadays, most people share the view that...
Nowadays, it is widely known that...
Lately, not only has.....


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Nowadays, most people share the view that...
Nowadays, it is widely known that...
Lately, not only has.....


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Nowadays, most people share the view that...
Nowadays, it is widely known that...
Lately, not only has.....


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Nowadays, most people share the view that...
Nowadays, it is widely known that...
Lately, not only has.....


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Nowadays, most people share the view that...
Nowadays, it is widely known that...
Lately, not only has.....


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AN OPINION ESSAY 1. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, most people share the view that... Nowadays, it is widely known that... Lately, not only has..... been a popular topic, but it also led to some collectives to voice criticism of the mainstrem attitude. There's no doubt that the... has experienced (an increase, etc). PAU ANGLÈS: WRITING (It should be a crucial target for the administration/whole society to..., due to... I firmly believe that. 2. Firstly, it has been hugely proved that 3. Secondly Moreover, there are those who say that an alternative approach would be to... 4. Last but not least... 5. Taking everything into account, I strongly believe that... On the whole, it is clear to me that... Furthermore, the government, administration, whole society ought to... A FOR & AGAINST ESSAY 1. Objective introduction Lately, not only has..... been a popular topic, but it also led to some collectives to voice criticism of the mainstrem attitude. (It should be a crucial target for the administration/whole society to..., due to...) There's no doubt that the... has experienced... 2. Give arguments for the subject. Those who are in favour claim that... 3. Give arguments against the subject Nevertheless, in spite of the advantages, there is a main drawback. Moreover, there are those who say that an alternative approach would be to... 4. Conclusion Having looked at both sides of the argument, I really...

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Transcripción alternativa:

think that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Taking into consideration the previous ideas we can conclude that... A FORMAL LETTER/MAIL If you know their name Greeting Dear Dr / Professor / Closing Yours sincerely and title Writing to a specific person but you don't know their name Don't know who or when will read it Introduction Body Conclusion A paragraph for each point Why am I writing? What I would like to happen next Ms Mr Smith Dear Sir or Madam To whom it may concern - Signature - Name (not mine) Yours faithfully The reason why I am writing this letter is Dear Sir or Madame // Dear Mr. Smith - Include facts (as it is well known, as a matter of fact) - Passive voice (causative, impersonal, personal) - Links between paragraphs and between points within the paragraph (one such is) - Rephrase the input (r Passive causative: I had my temperature taken (by the nurse). Impersonal passive: It is said that women live longer than men. Personal passive: Women are said to live longer than men. I very much hope my letter will have you change your mind; nevertheless, on no account should you feel pressured whatsoever, the decision is all yours DON'T FORGET! - Put your address in the top right-hand corner. Write the date under your address. - Put the name and the address of the person you're writing to on the left, above the greeting. - Closing I am writing in response / due to.... in subject for...My name is... I am...! would like to get (more information, an enterview...) I feel..... I would be perfect for this job because // I was supposed to... We had trouble // I am concerned about... Furthermore.... Nevertheless... As mentioned, I have conntacted...I am asking for (refund, something...) I am looking forward to hearing from you.....I hope we can arrive to an agreement //I hope you will consider... Thank you for... Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely Sara INFORMAL LETTER/MAIL Introduction: Hi..., How are things? Sorry to be slow getting back to you but What great news! I'm glad to hear that.... As for your questions about ...., I hope the following information will be of use. First paragraph: In your letter you mentioned... Well, If I were you I would... since... Besides, why don't you..? As well as that, you also wondered about... Second paragraph: Anyway, I will be delighted to..., count me in! Let me know when it suits you so I can plan ahead. Closing: Well, that's all for now. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, NAME SOME IDIOMS: I'm on cloud nine! X is my cup of tea! Easy-peasy! AN ARTICLE 1. What is the article about? I'm sure everyone would agree that... Rhetorical question: Are you one of those people who...? Have you ever thought about...? 2. Personal opinion/example/anecdote 3. Address your reader A NARRATIVE Beginning: you have to present the story, the person, the place and the time, try to catch the readers attention Middle: you have to tell the story, use action verbs, contractions, direct speech, adverbs, connectors... (2 paragraphs) Ending: end the story Template: Ever since I can remember, I have (passionately) wanted to ... Finally, last (day/ month/year)... my wish was accomplished. I felt so (feelings adj-ex: happy, excited...) that I could not believe it. I was (insert action, flying... travelling... in front of... )........ It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking (time) (describe the weather, the situation idk) I will never forget the moment/day when I met (a person)/ landed in such a special country/place.... He said (use direct speech or indirect...)... faster/warmer/funnier (use adverbs). It was the first time that (somebody told me such a thing/ somebody spoke to me in those terms/ I fell in love inevitably.../ I visited a big city...) Everything I experienced was (adj- ex: new and amazing) Then/Later/Some days later/ (connectors).... The following morning (time connectors).... As soon as Suddenly/All of a sudden (plot twist)/. I could never have imagined such a situation. Unfortunately/Happily... Afterwards/ After that... /The following day (to continue the story)... didn't (contractions).... At the end of the day... It the end/Finally/Eventually (conclusions-resolution)/ The last day..... It was the (best/worst/most frightening day/experience in my life. It completely changed my life. Things will/would never be the same again. DESCRIPTION OF AN EVENT Opening Name, location, time and writer's opinion of event Body Description, with more details, what writer sees, hears, smells, tastes... Closing: Concluding sentence and opinion Template Last week..... It seemed..... All in all... When.... I felt.... Suddenly... I heard.... The crowd where.... The atmosphere was... In the end... It turned out to be.. DESCRIPTION OF A PLACE Opening Basic information, the name, its location... Body, physical characterístics of the place and what there is to do there Closing General conclusion, writer's opinon or recommendation Template I'm going to describe... the first thing people notice.... It is located... The scenery is... It offers.... You shouldn't miss.... When I go there... Most people work as... I can recommend... In conclusion... It is undeniable that... It is thought/believed/said that... Most people fail to realise that... Some people might not be concerned about the problem. However, they should be. Second conditional!!! If + past simple, would + verb Stemming from Nagging doubts Dogged perseverance Breathtaking impresionante Awful = terrible Astonishing increíble Filthy spotless Hold your horses. MORE LEVEL: And you know what they say: "Actions speak louder than words" "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" "Don't judge a book by its cover" "No pain no gain" I reckon... Unfortunately there's evidence that neither of these measures has reduced... to any significant extent. It's widely belive that... (se cree ampliamente que...) No one would dispute the fact that... According to a recent online poll it's (inconvenience) rather than (cost) which deters people from doing/ using something... It seems ironic that as... has increased the (quality of life) has in some ways diminished VERBS C1 Tackle a problem, an issue. Example: How can this issue/problem be tackled? Raise awareness, a question. Example: Animal activists are raising awareness about animal cruelty through social media. The current situation raises the question of how to... Pose a threat/risk/challenge Example: Online shopping might pose a threat to traditional shopping. Fulfil a promise, obligation, a dream. Example: Many students cannot fulfil their dreams since they are not able to pass the exams. Implement a scheme, measures. Example: Many factories are implementing measures in order to reduce pollution. Put forward an idea, a proposal. Example: Residents should put forward ideas/proposals to improve the neighborhood safety. I would like to put forward another idea. Reach an agreement, a conclusion CONNECTORS: USE to add points on the same topic to express a contrast to describe a cause or reason to describe a result to show purpose to describe similarity to express personal opinions to introduce facts to make general statements to list points to give examples to introduce opposing points to show sequence to show time to conclude EXAMPLES and / in addition / furthermore / moreover / what's more / besides / also/too/ as well as but / however / nevertheless/yet / still/although/even if / even though/ in spite of/ despite/while because (of) / since / due to/as/ as a result of/one/another reason for ... is.... so / therefore / consequently/thus / as a result / as a consequence / for this reason that is why in order (not) to / so as to/ so that/to similarly/ likewise / in the same way in my opinion/I (strongly) believe (that)/I think/feel (that)/ in my view / it seems to me (that)/ personally / as I see it in fact/ as a matter of fact/actually/ the truth is (that) in general / generally/ as a rule / on the whole to begin/start with / in the first place / first of all/ for one thing / firstly, secondly, thirdly/finally/ lastly for example / for instance/such as / like / particularly / in particular/ especially/ (more) specifically on the one hand / on the other hand / in contrast / contrary to / it can also be argued that/ but there are people who say/think (that) first/ at first/ in the beginning/before/next/then/soon / meanwhile / later / after that / afterwards / at last / eventually/finally/ in the end / during / when when/while / before/after/until/ as soon as / by the time in conclusion / to sum up / in short / all in all Unfortunately, surprisingly, owing to (debido a), although + sentence (aunque), provided that (siempre y cuando)