


Diviértete con la Voz Pasiva en Inglés: Ejercicios de Presente y Pasado Simple




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passivaThe Pasive: Present Simple & Past Simple (La voz pasiva: presente y pasado simples)

Diviértete con la Voz Pasiva en Inglés: Ejercicios de Presente y Pasado Simple

The passive voice in English is a fundamental grammatical structure used to emphasize the receiver of an action rather than the doer. This comprehensive guide covers both present and past simple passive constructions, with detailed explanations and practical examples.

• The formation follows a clear pattern: subject + be (am/is/are/was/were) + past participle
Passive voice is particularly common in English formal writing and academic contexts
• Special attention is given to bitransitive verbs and their unique passive constructions
• Includes complete pronoun reference charts for both subject and object positions




<p>We can express ideas in two ways, in active voice or in passive voice, depending on where we want to focus attention.</p>
<h2 id="active


Special Cases and Pronoun Usage

This page delves into the specific case of bitransitive verbs in passive voice and explains pronoun changes in passive constructions.

Definition: Bitransitive verbs are verbs that take both direct and indirect objects in active voice.

Example: Active: "They gave Peter a gold medal" becomes Passive: "Peter was given a gold medal"

Highlight: In English passive constructions with bitransitive verbs, the indirect object typically becomes the subject of the passive sentence.


  • Subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they
  • Object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them

The page concludes with a comprehensive overview of pronoun transformations in passive voice constructions, essential for maintaining grammatical accuracy in English passive sentences.

<p>We can express ideas in two ways, in active voice or in passive voice, depending on where we want to focus attention.</p>
<h2 id="active


Present and Past Simple Passive Voice Formation

This page introduces the fundamental concepts of voz pasiva en inglés and its formation in both present and past simple tenses. The content explains how to transform active voice sentences into passive voice constructions.

Definition: The passive voice is a grammatical construction where the focus is on the action's receiver rather than the doer.

Example: Active: "Alfred Nobel invented dynamite" becomes Passive: "Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel"

Highlight: In English, passive voice follows the structure: Subject + be (am/is/are/was/were) + past participle + (by agent)


  • Agent: The doer of the action in a passive sentence
  • Past participle: The third form of the verb used in passive constructions

The page also covers negative and interrogative forms of passive voice, demonstrating how to form questions and negative statements by manipulating the 'be' verb.

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Diviértete con la Voz Pasiva en Inglés: Ejercicios de Presente y Pasado Simple

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The passive voice in English is a fundamental grammatical structure used to emphasize the receiver of an action rather than the doer. This comprehensive guide covers both present and past simple passive constructions, with detailed explanations and practical examples.

• The formation follows a clear pattern: subject + be (am/is/are/was/were) + past participle
Passive voice is particularly common in English formal writing and academic contexts
• Special attention is given to bitransitive verbs and their unique passive constructions
• Includes complete pronoun reference charts for both subject and object positions





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<p>We can express ideas in two ways, in active voice or in passive voice, depending on where we want to focus attention.</p>
<h2 id="active

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Special Cases and Pronoun Usage

This page delves into the specific case of bitransitive verbs in passive voice and explains pronoun changes in passive constructions.

Definition: Bitransitive verbs are verbs that take both direct and indirect objects in active voice.

Example: Active: "They gave Peter a gold medal" becomes Passive: "Peter was given a gold medal"

Highlight: In English passive constructions with bitransitive verbs, the indirect object typically becomes the subject of the passive sentence.


  • Subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they
  • Object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them

The page concludes with a comprehensive overview of pronoun transformations in passive voice constructions, essential for maintaining grammatical accuracy in English passive sentences.

<p>We can express ideas in two ways, in active voice or in passive voice, depending on where we want to focus attention.</p>
<h2 id="active

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Present and Past Simple Passive Voice Formation

This page introduces the fundamental concepts of voz pasiva en inglés and its formation in both present and past simple tenses. The content explains how to transform active voice sentences into passive voice constructions.

Definition: The passive voice is a grammatical construction where the focus is on the action's receiver rather than the doer.

Example: Active: "Alfred Nobel invented dynamite" becomes Passive: "Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel"

Highlight: In English, passive voice follows the structure: Subject + be (am/is/are/was/were) + past participle + (by agent)


  • Agent: The doer of the action in a passive sentence
  • Past participle: The third form of the verb used in passive constructions

The page also covers negative and interrogative forms of passive voice, demonstrating how to form questions and negative statements by manipulating the 'be' verb.

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Knowunity es la app educativa nº 1 en cinco países europeos

Knowunity fue un artículo destacado por Apple y ha ocupado sistemáticamente los primeros puestos en las listas de la tienda de aplicaciones dentro de la categoría de educación en Alemania, Italia, Polonia, Suiza y Reino Unido. Regístrate hoy en Knowunity y ayuda a millones de estudiantes de todo el mundo.

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