


Causative Verbs and Forms: Easy English Examples and Exercises




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Causative Verbs and Forms: Easy English Examples and Exercises

• The document explains the causative form in English, focusing on the structure and usage of "have" and "get" with past participles.
• It provides examples of causative verbs in active, causative, and negative forms.
• The text emphasizes the passive nature of the causative structure but notes its active translation.
• It highlights the interchangeability of "have" and "get" in causative sentences, with "get" being more informal.
• The document includes various causative exercises and examples to illustrate the concept.




Person+Get/have + object + V3
Brian will get I have his bike fixed tomorrow.
I am getting / having my wisdom tooth removed on Frida


Page 2: Detailed Explanation of Causative Verbs

The second page delves deeper into the causative verbs "have" and "get", explaining their usage with "something done". It reiterates the structure: have / get + direct object + past participle, emphasizing its use to express actions we commission others to do.

Example: "I'm going to have / get my hair cut tomorrow" demonstrates the future arrangement of a service.

This page elaborates on the passive nature of the causative structure, noting that while the direct object in the middle receives the action of the participle verb, it's usually translated in the active voice in other languages. The text also points out that while "have" and "get" are often used interchangeably in causative sentences, "get" is more informal and thus more common in spoken English.

Vocabulary: Causative structure - A grammatical construction used to indicate that a subject causes an action to be done by someone else.

The page concludes with additional examples, reinforcing the concept and providing more context for learners to understand the causative form in various situations.

Person+Get/have + object + V3
Brian will get I have his bike fixed tomorrow.
I am getting / having my wisdom tooth removed on Frida


Page 1: Causative Structure and Examples

The first page introduces the causative form in English, presenting its basic structure: Person + Get/have + object + V3. This structure is used to express actions that we arrange for others to do. The page provides several examples of causative verbs in different tenses, demonstrating how to transform active sentences into their causative equivalents.

Example: "Brian will get / have his bike fixed tomorrow" shows the future tense usage of the causative form.

The page also includes a section on negative causative sentences, illustrating how to negate actions in this structure. It's important to note that while the causative structure has a passive sense, it is often translated actively in other languages.

Highlight: The causative form allows speakers to express actions done for them by others, adding nuance to their communication about arranged services or tasks.

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Causative Verbs and Forms: Easy English Examples and Exercises

• The document explains the causative form in English, focusing on the structure and usage of "have" and "get" with past participles.
• It provides examples of causative verbs in active, causative, and negative forms.
• The text emphasizes the passive nature of the causative structure but notes its active translation.
• It highlights the interchangeability of "have" and "get" in causative sentences, with "get" being more informal.
• The document includes various causative exercises and examples to illustrate the concept.





EBAU (2° Bach)/1° Bach




Person+Get/have + object + V3
Brian will get I have his bike fixed tomorrow.
I am getting / having my wisdom tooth removed on Frida

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Page 2: Detailed Explanation of Causative Verbs

The second page delves deeper into the causative verbs "have" and "get", explaining their usage with "something done". It reiterates the structure: have / get + direct object + past participle, emphasizing its use to express actions we commission others to do.

Example: "I'm going to have / get my hair cut tomorrow" demonstrates the future arrangement of a service.

This page elaborates on the passive nature of the causative structure, noting that while the direct object in the middle receives the action of the participle verb, it's usually translated in the active voice in other languages. The text also points out that while "have" and "get" are often used interchangeably in causative sentences, "get" is more informal and thus more common in spoken English.

Vocabulary: Causative structure - A grammatical construction used to indicate that a subject causes an action to be done by someone else.

The page concludes with additional examples, reinforcing the concept and providing more context for learners to understand the causative form in various situations.

Person+Get/have + object + V3
Brian will get I have his bike fixed tomorrow.
I am getting / having my wisdom tooth removed on Frida

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Page 1: Causative Structure and Examples

The first page introduces the causative form in English, presenting its basic structure: Person + Get/have + object + V3. This structure is used to express actions that we arrange for others to do. The page provides several examples of causative verbs in different tenses, demonstrating how to transform active sentences into their causative equivalents.

Example: "Brian will get / have his bike fixed tomorrow" shows the future tense usage of the causative form.

The page also includes a section on negative causative sentences, illustrating how to negate actions in this structure. It's important to note that while the causative structure has a passive sense, it is often translated actively in other languages.

Highlight: The causative form allows speakers to express actions done for them by others, adding nuance to their communication about arranged services or tasks.

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Knowunity fue un artículo destacado por Apple y ha ocupado sistemáticamente los primeros puestos en las listas de la tienda de aplicaciones dentro de la categoría de educación en Alemania, Italia, Polonia, Suiza y Reino Unido. Regístrate hoy en Knowunity y ayuda a millones de estudiantes de todo el mundo.

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