


All English Verb Tenses PDF: Summary, Cheatsheet & Exercises




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Verbal tenses

All English Verb Tenses PDF: Summary, Cheatsheet & Exercises

• This document covers various aspects of English grammar, including verb tenses, modal verbs, conditionals, and adverbs.
• It provides structures and uses for past, present, and future tenses, as well as perfect and continuous forms.
• The guide includes information on modal verbs, conditional sentences, and the use of "wish" in different contexts.
• It also covers gerunds, infinitives, and relative clauses, providing examples and explanations.
• A vocabulary section is included, defining terms related to communication and technology.




Past Simple
A Completed action in the past
A series of actions completed in the past
Examples: We had chinese for d


Future Tenses and Modal Verbs

This page continues with future tenses, including the Future Simple, Future Perfect Simple, Future Continuous, and the "Be Going to" structure. It provides the structure, uses, and examples for each of these future forms.

Vocabulary: Future Perfect Simple is used when we talk about an action that is going to be done or finished by a specific time in the future.

The page also introduces modal verbs such as can/could, have to, may/might, must, should, and needs to. These modal verbs are essential for expressing ability, permission, possibility, obligation, and advice.

Example: "Tomorrow, at 9:00pm I will have studied" illustrates the use of Future Perfect Simple.

Past Simple
A Completed action in the past
A series of actions completed in the past
Examples: We had chinese for d


Conditionals and Wish Structures

This page covers the first, second, and third conditional structures, which are crucial for expressing different types of hypothetical situations. It also explains the use of "wish" with different tenses to express desires or regrets.

Definition: First conditional is used for likely situations, second conditional for unlikely or imaginary situations in the present, and third conditional for impossible situations in the past.

The page also includes information on gerunds and infinitives, explaining their various uses in English sentences.

Highlight: The structure "S + Wish + (that) + S + had + V(pp) + C" is used to express regret about something in the past.

Past Simple
A Completed action in the past
A series of actions completed in the past
Examples: We had chinese for d


Vocabulary and Language Structures

This page provides a list of vocabulary related to communication and technology, including terms like "convey," "craze," "lighten up," and "get a message across." It also includes idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs commonly used in English.

Vocabulary: "To keep in touch" means to maintain contact with someone, while "to get to the point" means to speak directly about the main issue.

The page also addresses some false friends - words that look similar in different languages but have different meanings. For example, "actually" in English means "in fact" or "really," not "currently" as it might suggest in other languages.

Past Simple
A Completed action in the past
A series of actions completed in the past
Examples: We had chinese for d


Adverbs and Relative Clauses

The final page covers types of adverbs, including adverbs of manner, comment, and degree. It also explains relative clauses, which are used to provide additional information about nouns in a sentence.

Definition: Relative clauses are introduced by relative pronouns such as who, where, when, which, and whose, each used for specific types of nouns.

The page distinguishes between defining and non-defining relative clauses, noting that defining clauses do not use commas and can replace who/when/which with "that," while non-defining clauses require commas and provide extra information.

Example: In the sentence "The man who lives next door is friendly," "who lives next door" is a defining relative clause providing essential information about "the man."

Past Simple
A Completed action in the past
A series of actions completed in the past
Examples: We had chinese for d


Grammar Overview

This page provides an overview of various tiempos verbales en inglés, focusing on past and present tenses. It covers the Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Present Simple, and Present Continuous tenses. Each tense is presented with its structure, uses, and examples.

Highlight: The Past Simple is used for completed actions in the past, while the Present Continuous is used for actions happening now or temporary actions.

The page also introduces the Present Perfect tense, which is used for actions that began in the past and continue in the present, or actions that have just happened.

Example: "We have gone to Litterator for 3 years" demonstrates the use of Present Perfect for an action that began in the past and continues in the present.

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All English Verb Tenses PDF: Summary, Cheatsheet & Exercises

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114 Seguidores


• This document covers various aspects of English grammar, including verb tenses, modal verbs, conditionals, and adverbs.
• It provides structures and uses for past, present, and future tenses, as well as perfect and continuous forms.
• The guide includes information on modal verbs, conditional sentences, and the use of "wish" in different contexts.
• It also covers gerunds, infinitives, and relative clauses, providing examples and explanations.
• A vocabulary section is included, defining terms related to communication and technology.





1° ESO/2° ESO




Past Simple
A Completed action in the past
A series of actions completed in the past
Examples: We had chinese for d

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Future Tenses and Modal Verbs

This page continues with future tenses, including the Future Simple, Future Perfect Simple, Future Continuous, and the "Be Going to" structure. It provides the structure, uses, and examples for each of these future forms.

Vocabulary: Future Perfect Simple is used when we talk about an action that is going to be done or finished by a specific time in the future.

The page also introduces modal verbs such as can/could, have to, may/might, must, should, and needs to. These modal verbs are essential for expressing ability, permission, possibility, obligation, and advice.

Example: "Tomorrow, at 9:00pm I will have studied" illustrates the use of Future Perfect Simple.

Past Simple
A Completed action in the past
A series of actions completed in the past
Examples: We had chinese for d

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Conditionals and Wish Structures

This page covers the first, second, and third conditional structures, which are crucial for expressing different types of hypothetical situations. It also explains the use of "wish" with different tenses to express desires or regrets.

Definition: First conditional is used for likely situations, second conditional for unlikely or imaginary situations in the present, and third conditional for impossible situations in the past.

The page also includes information on gerunds and infinitives, explaining their various uses in English sentences.

Highlight: The structure "S + Wish + (that) + S + had + V(pp) + C" is used to express regret about something in the past.

Past Simple
A Completed action in the past
A series of actions completed in the past
Examples: We had chinese for d

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Vocabulary and Language Structures

This page provides a list of vocabulary related to communication and technology, including terms like "convey," "craze," "lighten up," and "get a message across." It also includes idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs commonly used in English.

Vocabulary: "To keep in touch" means to maintain contact with someone, while "to get to the point" means to speak directly about the main issue.

The page also addresses some false friends - words that look similar in different languages but have different meanings. For example, "actually" in English means "in fact" or "really," not "currently" as it might suggest in other languages.

Past Simple
A Completed action in the past
A series of actions completed in the past
Examples: We had chinese for d

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Adverbs and Relative Clauses

The final page covers types of adverbs, including adverbs of manner, comment, and degree. It also explains relative clauses, which are used to provide additional information about nouns in a sentence.

Definition: Relative clauses are introduced by relative pronouns such as who, where, when, which, and whose, each used for specific types of nouns.

The page distinguishes between defining and non-defining relative clauses, noting that defining clauses do not use commas and can replace who/when/which with "that," while non-defining clauses require commas and provide extra information.

Example: In the sentence "The man who lives next door is friendly," "who lives next door" is a defining relative clause providing essential information about "the man."

Past Simple
A Completed action in the past
A series of actions completed in the past
Examples: We had chinese for d

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Grammar Overview

This page provides an overview of various tiempos verbales en inglés, focusing on past and present tenses. It covers the Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Present Simple, and Present Continuous tenses. Each tense is presented with its structure, uses, and examples.

Highlight: The Past Simple is used for completed actions in the past, while the Present Continuous is used for actions happening now or temporary actions.

The page also introduces the Present Perfect tense, which is used for actions that began in the past and continue in the present, or actions that have just happened.

Example: "We have gone to Litterator for 3 years" demonstrates the use of Present Perfect for an action that began in the past and continues in the present.

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