


How to Use Reported Speech in English: Easy Guide for Kids




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Sara Usuga Giraldo



Reported Speech

How to Use Reported Speech in English: Easy Guide for Kids

A comprehensive guide to cómo usar el discurso reportado en inglés, covering essential rules, transformations, and verb usage in reported speech.

• The guide explains the diferencias entre discurso directo y reportado, including changes in time expressions, pronouns, and tenses
• Detailed coverage of various ejemplos de verbos de reporte en inglés and their specific usage patterns
• Comprehensive explanation of reporting statements, questions, suggestions, and commands
• In-depth analysis of verb patterns and structures in reported speech




How to Use Reported Speech in English: Easy Guide for Kids




user profile picture

Sara Usuga Giraldo



Reported Speech

Page 2: Special Cases and Reporting Verbs

This section covers exceptions to tense changes and introduces various types of reported sentences.

Definition: Present reporting verbs maintain the original tense when reporting immediate or current situations.

Example: "Darren says he's been too busy to write before" - tense remains unchanged due to present reporting verb.

Highlight: Modal verbs like would, should, could, might, ought to, and must generally remain unchanged in reported speech.

Vocabulary: Reporting verbs include admit, announce, answer, apologize, boast, claim, complain, reply, declare, explain, inform, insist, mention, offer, remind, and state.

How to Use Reported Speech in English: Easy Guide for Kids




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Sara Usuga Giraldo



Reported Speech

Page 3: Advanced Reporting Structures

This page delves into more complex aspects of reported speech, including questions and suggestions.

Definition: Reported questions maintain the same tense changes as statements but follow different word order rules.

Example: "Do you like music?" becomes "He asked her if/whether she liked music."

Highlight: In reported questions, auxiliary verbs are removed and word order changes to "wh/if/whether + Subject + verb."

Vocabulary: Common reporting verbs for questions include enquire, request, want to know, and wonder.

How to Use Reported Speech in English: Easy Guide for Kids




user profile picture

Sara Usuga Giraldo



Reported Speech

Page 4: Verb Patterns in Reported Speech

The final page focuses on specific verb patterns and their usage in reported speech.

Definition: Verbs with direct objects follow specific patterns: verb + object + (that), verb + object + infinitive, or verb + object + preposition + ing.

Example: "The secretary reminded them (that) the meeting would start in an hour."

Highlight: Different verbs require different patterns: some take infinitives (advise, ask, beg), while others take gerunds (admit, deny, suggest).

Vocabulary: Key verbs include advise, assure, convince, inform, warn, persuade, promise, remind, and tell.

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How to Use Reported Speech in English: Easy Guide for Kids

user profile picture

Sara Usuga Giraldo



372 Seguidores


A comprehensive guide to cómo usar el discurso reportado en inglés, covering essential rules, transformations, and verb usage in reported speech.

• The guide explains the diferencias entre discurso directo y reportado, including changes in time expressions, pronouns, and tenses
• Detailed coverage of various ejemplos de verbos de reporte en inglés and their specific usage patterns
• Comprehensive explanation of reporting statements, questions, suggestions, and commands
• In-depth analysis of verb patterns and structures in reported speech





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•Reported Speech
Time and place expressions (depending on the context)
Direct Speech.
Reported Speech.
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Page 2: Special Cases and Reporting Verbs

This section covers exceptions to tense changes and introduces various types of reported sentences.

Definition: Present reporting verbs maintain the original tense when reporting immediate or current situations.

Example: "Darren says he's been too busy to write before" - tense remains unchanged due to present reporting verb.

Highlight: Modal verbs like would, should, could, might, ought to, and must generally remain unchanged in reported speech.

Vocabulary: Reporting verbs include admit, announce, answer, apologize, boast, claim, complain, reply, declare, explain, inform, insist, mention, offer, remind, and state.

•Reported Speech
Time and place expressions (depending on the context)
Direct Speech.
Reported Speech.
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Page 3: Advanced Reporting Structures

This page delves into more complex aspects of reported speech, including questions and suggestions.

Definition: Reported questions maintain the same tense changes as statements but follow different word order rules.

Example: "Do you like music?" becomes "He asked her if/whether she liked music."

Highlight: In reported questions, auxiliary verbs are removed and word order changes to "wh/if/whether + Subject + verb."

Vocabulary: Common reporting verbs for questions include enquire, request, want to know, and wonder.

•Reported Speech
Time and place expressions (depending on the context)
Direct Speech.
Reported Speech.
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Page 4: Verb Patterns in Reported Speech

The final page focuses on specific verb patterns and their usage in reported speech.

Definition: Verbs with direct objects follow specific patterns: verb + object + (that), verb + object + infinitive, or verb + object + preposition + ing.

Example: "The secretary reminded them (that) the meeting would start in an hour."

Highlight: Different verbs require different patterns: some take infinitives (advise, ask, beg), while others take gerunds (admit, deny, suggest).

Vocabulary: Key verbs include advise, assure, convince, inform, warn, persuade, promise, remind, and tell.

•Reported Speech
Time and place expressions (depending on the context)
Direct Speech.
Reported Speech.
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Page 1: Time and Tense Changes in Reported Speech

This page outlines the fundamental transformations required when converting direct speech to reported speech.

Definition: Reported speech is used to convey what someone else has said without using their exact words.

Highlight: Time expressions undergo specific changes: "today" becomes "that day," "tomorrow" becomes "the next/following day," and "yesterday" becomes "the day before."

Example: Present Simple transforms to Past Simple, Present Continuous to Past Continuous, and Future (will) changes to would.

Vocabulary: Demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those) typically change to "the" in reported speech.

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