


Understanding Present Continuous and Past Simple in English




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carmen f. piec



presente continuo y simple, y, pasado simple y continuo

Understanding Present Continuous and Past Simple in English

A comprehensive guide to English tenses covering uso del presente continuo en inglés, ejemplos de pasado simple e irregular, and estructura del pasado continuo en inglés.

  • Present Continuous is used to describe actions happening at the moment of speaking
  • Present Simple expresses regular actions and general truths
  • Past Simple describes completed actions in the past
  • Past Continuous describes ongoing actions in the past
  • Each tense has specific rules for forming questions and negative statements
  • Irregular verbs require special attention in past tense formations



Está pasando ahora, en este momento, y acaba en "-ing"
• Ejemples:
1.- I am reading a book now!.
2.- She is not listening


Past Tense Structures

Past tense forms in English require understanding of both regular and irregular verb patterns, particularly focusing on the estructura del pasado continuo en inglés.

Definition: Past Simple describes completed actions in the past, typically formed by adding '-ed' to regular verbs.

Highlight: Irregular verbs have special past forms that must be memorized, such as 'go → went'.

Example: "I went to bed really late last night" demonstrates irregular verb usage.

Definition: Past Continuous describes ongoing actions in the past, formed with 'was/were' + verb + -ing.

Example: "Were you doing your homework when I called?" shows typical past continuous usage in questions.

Vocabulary: The auxiliaries 'was' and 'were' are essential for forming past continuous tense, with 'was' used for I/he/she/it and 'were' for you/we/they.

Está pasando ahora, en este momento, y acaba en "-ing"
• Ejemples:
1.- I am reading a book now!.
2.- She is not listening


Present Tense Formations

The present tenses in English follow distinct patterns and rules for expressing different types of actions. The present continuous and present simple serve different purposes in communication.

Definition: Present Continuous describes actions happening right now, formed with 'be' + verb + -ing.

Example: "I am reading a book now!" demonstrates an action in progress.

Highlight: For Present Simple third person singular (he/she/it), add 's' to the main verb.

Example: "She plays basket very well" shows regular action in present simple.

Vocabulary: The auxiliary verb "do/does" is used to form questions and negatives in Present Simple.

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Understanding Present Continuous and Past Simple in English

user profile picture

carmen f. piec



4 Seguidores


A comprehensive guide to English tenses covering uso del presente continuo en inglés, ejemplos de pasado simple e irregular, and estructura del pasado continuo en inglés.

  • Present Continuous is used to describe actions happening at the moment of speaking
  • Present Simple expresses regular actions and general truths
  • Past Simple describes completed actions in the past
  • Past Continuous describes ongoing actions in the past
  • Each tense has specific rules for forming questions and negative statements
  • Irregular verbs require special attention in past tense formations




1° ESO/2° ESO




Está pasando ahora, en este momento, y acaba en "-ing"
• Ejemples:
1.- I am reading a book now!.
2.- She is not listening

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Past Tense Structures

Past tense forms in English require understanding of both regular and irregular verb patterns, particularly focusing on the estructura del pasado continuo en inglés.

Definition: Past Simple describes completed actions in the past, typically formed by adding '-ed' to regular verbs.

Highlight: Irregular verbs have special past forms that must be memorized, such as 'go → went'.

Example: "I went to bed really late last night" demonstrates irregular verb usage.

Definition: Past Continuous describes ongoing actions in the past, formed with 'was/were' + verb + -ing.

Example: "Were you doing your homework when I called?" shows typical past continuous usage in questions.

Vocabulary: The auxiliaries 'was' and 'were' are essential for forming past continuous tense, with 'was' used for I/he/she/it and 'were' for you/we/they.

Está pasando ahora, en este momento, y acaba en "-ing"
• Ejemples:
1.- I am reading a book now!.
2.- She is not listening

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Present Tense Formations

The present tenses in English follow distinct patterns and rules for expressing different types of actions. The present continuous and present simple serve different purposes in communication.

Definition: Present Continuous describes actions happening right now, formed with 'be' + verb + -ing.

Example: "I am reading a book now!" demonstrates an action in progress.

Highlight: For Present Simple third person singular (he/she/it), add 's' to the main verb.

Example: "She plays basket very well" shows regular action in present simple.

Vocabulary: The auxiliary verb "do/does" is used to form questions and negatives in Present Simple.

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Knowunity es la app educativa nº 1 en cinco países europeos

Knowunity fue un artículo destacado por Apple y ha ocupado sistemáticamente los primeros puestos en las listas de la tienda de aplicaciones dentro de la categoría de educación en Alemania, Italia, Polonia, Suiza y Reino Unido. Regístrate hoy en Knowunity y ayuda a millones de estudiantes de todo el mundo.

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