


Understanding Passive Voice in English: How to Change Active Sentences




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Sara Usuga Giraldo



Passive voice

Understanding Passive Voice in English: How to Change Active Sentences

The uso de la voz pasiva en la gramática inglesa is a comprehensive guide explaining passive voice construction, usage, and various forms in English grammar.

• The passive voice shifts focus to the recipient of an action rather than the performer
• Covers multiple tenses including present, past, future, and perfect forms
• Includes special constructions like causative have/get and modal verbs
• Details passive forms with direct and indirect objects
• Explains passive infinitive, -ing forms, and reporting structures




•Passive voice-
The passive voice is used when we want to focur the attetion on the person or thing affected
by the action.
When and how d


Page 2: Causative Structures and Modal Verbs

This section explores causative structures with have/get and the use of modal verbs in passive voice constructions, demonstrating the conversión de oraciones activas a pasivas en inglés.

Definition: Causative structures indicate that someone arranges for an action to be done by someone else.

Example: "The hairdresser will cut my hair" becomes "I will have/get my hair cut"

Highlight: Modal verbs in passive voice maintain their meaning while changing structure.

Vocabulary: Modal verbs - auxiliary verbs expressing necessity, possibility, or ability.

•Passive voice-
The passive voice is used when we want to focur the attetion on the person or thing affected
by the action.
When and how d


Page 3: Complex Passive Structures

This page covers passive constructions with verbs taking two objects and introduces passive infinitive and -ing forms.

Definition: Direct object (DO) and indirect object (IO) can both become subjects in passive sentences.

Example: "Jack was given the prize" or "The prize was given to Jack"

Highlight: Passive -ing forms are created using 'being + past participle'

Quote: "Do you worry about being criticized by your neighbours?"

•Passive voice-
The passive voice is used when we want to focur the attetion on the person or thing affected
by the action.
When and how d


Page 4: Advanced Passive Reporting Structures

The final page details impersonal passive structures used for expressing general opinions and views.

Definition: Impersonal passive structures convey general opinions using verbs like agree, believe, claim, and consider.

Example: "It is generally claimed that optimists live longer"

Highlight: Multiple reporting structures exist including 'it + passive verb + that' and 'subject + passive verb + infinitive'

Vocabulary: Impersonal passive - structures that avoid mentioning who holds an opinion or belief.

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Understanding Passive Voice in English: How to Change Active Sentences

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Sara Usuga Giraldo



385 Seguidores


The uso de la voz pasiva en la gramática inglesa is a comprehensive guide explaining passive voice construction, usage, and various forms in English grammar.

• The passive voice shifts focus to the recipient of an action rather than the performer
• Covers multiple tenses including present, past, future, and perfect forms
• Includes special constructions like causative have/get and modal verbs
• Details passive forms with direct and indirect objects
• Explains passive infinitive, -ing forms, and reporting structures





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•Passive voice-
The passive voice is used when we want to focur the attetion on the person or thing affected
by the action.
When and how d

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Page 2: Causative Structures and Modal Verbs

This section explores causative structures with have/get and the use of modal verbs in passive voice constructions, demonstrating the conversión de oraciones activas a pasivas en inglés.

Definition: Causative structures indicate that someone arranges for an action to be done by someone else.

Example: "The hairdresser will cut my hair" becomes "I will have/get my hair cut"

Highlight: Modal verbs in passive voice maintain their meaning while changing structure.

Vocabulary: Modal verbs - auxiliary verbs expressing necessity, possibility, or ability.

•Passive voice-
The passive voice is used when we want to focur the attetion on the person or thing affected
by the action.
When and how d

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Page 3: Complex Passive Structures

This page covers passive constructions with verbs taking two objects and introduces passive infinitive and -ing forms.

Definition: Direct object (DO) and indirect object (IO) can both become subjects in passive sentences.

Example: "Jack was given the prize" or "The prize was given to Jack"

Highlight: Passive -ing forms are created using 'being + past participle'

Quote: "Do you worry about being criticized by your neighbours?"

•Passive voice-
The passive voice is used when we want to focur the attetion on the person or thing affected
by the action.
When and how d

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Page 4: Advanced Passive Reporting Structures

The final page details impersonal passive structures used for expressing general opinions and views.

Definition: Impersonal passive structures convey general opinions using verbs like agree, believe, claim, and consider.

Example: "It is generally claimed that optimists live longer"

Highlight: Multiple reporting structures exist including 'it + passive verb + that' and 'subject + passive verb + infinitive'

Vocabulary: Impersonal passive - structures that avoid mentioning who holds an opinion or belief.

•Passive voice-
The passive voice is used when we want to focur the attetion on the person or thing affected
by the action.
When and how d

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Page 1: Basic Passive Voice Structure and Usage

This page introduces the fundamental concepts of estructura de verbos pasivos con objetos directos e indirectos and when to use passive voice. The page explains agent inclusion rules and demonstrates tense transformations.

Definition: Passive voice focuses attention on the person or thing affected by the action rather than the performer.

Highlight: Agents are omitted when they are unimportant, unknown, obvious, or previously mentioned.

Example: Active: "He eats chocolate" becomes Passive: "Chocolate is eaten by him"

Vocabulary: Agent - the person or thing performing the action in a passive sentence.

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