


Learn About Future Tense in English with Examples




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futuro con will, be going to

Learn About Future Tense in English with Examples

The future simple and future continuous tenses in English provide essential ways to express upcoming actions and events. The two main structures - will future and 'going to' - each serve distinct purposes in describing future events.

  • The futuro simple estructura using 'will' is primarily used for spontaneous decisions, promises, and predictions
  • The 'going to' structure expresses planned actions and evidence-based predictions
  • Both forms follow specific patterns for affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences
  • Short answers follow standardized patterns using auxiliary verbs
  • The 'about to' structure can be used for imminent actions



Learn About Future Tense in English with Examples




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futuro con will, be going to

Future Simple with Going To

The 'going to' future structure is used to express planned actions and predictions based on present evidence. This form utilizes the present tense of 'to be' combined with 'going to'.

Definition: The structure consists of subject + am/is/are + going to + base verb form.

Example: "I'm going to visit my sister next Saturday."

Vocabulary: The term "about to" can be used as an alternative to express imminent actions.

Highlight: When the main verb is 'go', it's typically omitted to avoid redundancy (e.g., "I am going to school" rather than "I am going to go to school").

Learn About Future Tense in English with Examples




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futuro con will, be going to

Interrogative Forms and Short Answers

The interrogative structure with 'going to' places the appropriate form of 'to be' at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the subject and 'going to'.

Example: "Are they going to paint their bedroom? No, they aren't."

Definition: Short answers follow the pattern: Yes/No + subject + appropriate form of 'to be'

Highlight: The negative forms use contractions like isn't, aren't, or 'm not for more natural speech.

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Learn About Future Tense in English with Examples

The future simple and future continuous tenses in English provide essential ways to express upcoming actions and events. The two main structures - will future and 'going to' - each serve distinct purposes in describing future events.

  • The futuro simple estructura using 'will' is primarily used for spontaneous decisions, promises, and predictions
  • The 'going to' structure expresses planned actions and evidence-based predictions
  • Both forms follow specific patterns for affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences
  • Short answers follow standardized patterns using auxiliary verbs
  • The 'about to' structure can be used for imminent actions




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<h2 id="structure">Structure</h2>
<p>The structure of the future simple with "will" is as follows:</p>
<p><strong>Affirmative</strong>: Sub

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Future Simple with Going To

The 'going to' future structure is used to express planned actions and predictions based on present evidence. This form utilizes the present tense of 'to be' combined with 'going to'.

Definition: The structure consists of subject + am/is/are + going to + base verb form.

Example: "I'm going to visit my sister next Saturday."

Vocabulary: The term "about to" can be used as an alternative to express imminent actions.

Highlight: When the main verb is 'go', it's typically omitted to avoid redundancy (e.g., "I am going to school" rather than "I am going to go to school").

<h2 id="structure">Structure</h2>
<p>The structure of the future simple with "will" is as follows:</p>
<p><strong>Affirmative</strong>: Sub

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Interrogative Forms and Short Answers

The interrogative structure with 'going to' places the appropriate form of 'to be' at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the subject and 'going to'.

Example: "Are they going to paint their bedroom? No, they aren't."

Definition: Short answers follow the pattern: Yes/No + subject + appropriate form of 'to be'

Highlight: The negative forms use contractions like isn't, aren't, or 'm not for more natural speech.

<h2 id="structure">Structure</h2>
<p>The structure of the future simple with "will" is as follows:</p>
<p><strong>Affirmative</strong>: Sub

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Future Simple with Will

The future simple will follows a straightforward structure where 'will' precedes the main verb in its base form. This construction allows speakers to express future actions and make predictions.

Definition: The will future is formed by combining 'will' with the base form of the main verb.

Example: "Phoebe will take the 3:30 p.m. train."

The structure varies across different sentence types:

  • Affirmative: Subject + will + verb
  • Negative: Subject + will not (won't) + verb
  • Interrogative: Will + subject + verb

Highlight: Short answers in the futuro simple inglés follow a consistent pattern using 'will' or 'won't' with the subject pronoun.

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