


Descubre el Futuro Perfecto y el Futuro Perfecto Continuo: Aprende Fácil




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Future Perfect Simple

Descubre el Futuro Perfecto y el Futuro Perfecto Continuo: Aprende Fácil

El futuro perfecto en inglés es una forma verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que se habrán completado en un momento específico del futuro. Este tiempo verbal combina aspectos del futuro y del pasado.

Puntos clave:

  • Se forma con "will have" + participio pasado del verbo principal.
  • Se usa para acciones que estarán terminadas antes de un punto futuro.
  • Puede expresar deducciones sobre acciones completadas en un pasado reciente.
  • Se emplea con expresiones temporales como "by the time" y "by then".



Future Perfect Simple
Subject will have + verb
Subject will not (won't) have + verb


Uses and Expressions of Future Perfect Simple

The future perfect simple has several specific uses in English, each conveying a different nuance of future completion or achievement.

Primary Uses

  1. To express that an action will be concluded before a specific moment in the future or before another future action.

  2. To express that an action will have concluded in the near past, often used for making deductions.

  3. To express that an action will have taken place during a period of time up to a specific point in the future.

Example: Next month we'll have been friends for 50 years.

Common Expressions

Several time expressions are frequently used with the future perfect simple to provide context:

  • "By the time" (Cuando, para cuando)
  • "By Monday / next month" (Para el lunes / el mes que viene)
  • "By now / then" (Ya / para entonces)
  • "By the year 2050" (Para el año 2050)
  • "Before" (Antes)
  • "Not... until" (No... hasta)

Highlight: These expressions help to establish the future time frame in which the action will be completed.

Example: He will have finished the fence by the weekend.

Example: Will the jury have reached a verdict by now?

Understanding these uses and common expressions will help in correctly applying the future perfect simple in various contexts, from making predictions about future accomplishments to discussing long-term plans and expectations.

Future Perfect Simple
Subject will have + verb
Subject will not (won't) have + verb


Future Perfect Simple: Structure and Form

The future perfect simple is a tense used to describe actions that will be completed before a specific point in the future. This section outlines the structure and form of this tense in affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences.

Affirmative Structure

The affirmative structure of the future perfect simple follows the pattern: Subject + will have + verb (past participle).

Example: He'll have arrived home by now.

Negative Structure

For negative sentences, the structure is: Subject + will not (won't) have + verb (past participle).

Example: You won't have finished until 6:00.

Interrogative Structure

Interrogative sentences follow the pattern: Will + subject + have + verb (past participle)?

Example: Will you have cooked dinner by then?

Highlight: The past participle is formed by adding -ed to regular verbs or using the third column of the irregular verb list for irregular verbs.

Short Answers

Interrogative sentences in the future perfect have their own short answers:

  • Affirmative: Yes, + subject + will
  • Negative: No, + subject + won't


  • Auxiliary: A helping verb used to form tenses, in this case "will"
  • Past Participle: The form of a verb used in perfect tenses, often ending in -ed for regular verbs

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Descubre el Futuro Perfecto y el Futuro Perfecto Continuo: Aprende Fácil

El futuro perfecto en inglés es una forma verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que se habrán completado en un momento específico del futuro. Este tiempo verbal combina aspectos del futuro y del pasado.

Puntos clave:

  • Se forma con "will have" + participio pasado del verbo principal.
  • Se usa para acciones que estarán terminadas antes de un punto futuro.
  • Puede expresar deducciones sobre acciones completadas en un pasado reciente.
  • Se emplea con expresiones temporales como "by the time" y "by then".




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Future Perfect Simple
Subject will have + verb
Subject will not (won't) have + verb

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Uses and Expressions of Future Perfect Simple

The future perfect simple has several specific uses in English, each conveying a different nuance of future completion or achievement.

Primary Uses

  1. To express that an action will be concluded before a specific moment in the future or before another future action.

  2. To express that an action will have concluded in the near past, often used for making deductions.

  3. To express that an action will have taken place during a period of time up to a specific point in the future.

Example: Next month we'll have been friends for 50 years.

Common Expressions

Several time expressions are frequently used with the future perfect simple to provide context:

  • "By the time" (Cuando, para cuando)
  • "By Monday / next month" (Para el lunes / el mes que viene)
  • "By now / then" (Ya / para entonces)
  • "By the year 2050" (Para el año 2050)
  • "Before" (Antes)
  • "Not... until" (No... hasta)

Highlight: These expressions help to establish the future time frame in which the action will be completed.

Example: He will have finished the fence by the weekend.

Example: Will the jury have reached a verdict by now?

Understanding these uses and common expressions will help in correctly applying the future perfect simple in various contexts, from making predictions about future accomplishments to discussing long-term plans and expectations.

Future Perfect Simple
Subject will have + verb
Subject will not (won't) have + verb

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Future Perfect Simple: Structure and Form

The future perfect simple is a tense used to describe actions that will be completed before a specific point in the future. This section outlines the structure and form of this tense in affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences.

Affirmative Structure

The affirmative structure of the future perfect simple follows the pattern: Subject + will have + verb (past participle).

Example: He'll have arrived home by now.

Negative Structure

For negative sentences, the structure is: Subject + will not (won't) have + verb (past participle).

Example: You won't have finished until 6:00.

Interrogative Structure

Interrogative sentences follow the pattern: Will + subject + have + verb (past participle)?

Example: Will you have cooked dinner by then?

Highlight: The past participle is formed by adding -ed to regular verbs or using the third column of the irregular verb list for irregular verbs.

Short Answers

Interrogative sentences in the future perfect have their own short answers:

  • Affirmative: Yes, + subject + will
  • Negative: No, + subject + won't


  • Auxiliary: A helping verb used to form tenses, in this case "will"
  • Past Participle: The form of a verb used in perfect tenses, often ending in -ed for regular verbs

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Knowunity es la app educativa nº 1 en cinco países europeos

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